
Product Development with Common Sense

Eight years ago, a customer had a problem. They needed a dosing machine, but the imported machines available at the time were not the right solution.

– “That problem-solving moment marked the beginning of Linepack’s own product development,” recalls Technical Director Henri Ihalainen.

– “Since the necessary features weren’t available, we had to start our own development. From the start, we aimed for a scalable product model. Similar issues were observed with other companies, so there was a growing demand.”

Products Developed by LinePack

A versatile pump designed for food industry use and commercial kitchens.

Cleans the dosing pump quickly while saving water, all in just a few minutes. The cleaning results are consistently high quality.

A speed-adjustable belt conveyor for transferring, dosing, and labeling products.

Let’s Design Together!

The design process begins with a needs assessment and requirement specifications. Based on this, we create a detailed solution for you, from design to implementation. 

Henri Ihalainen, Technical Director