Company History
The company is founded. We start reselling Reepack products, including conveyors, scales, and labeling equipment.

Introducing packaging machines for trays, deep drawing machines, flow pack machines, vacuum machines, and additional equipment.

Introducing food pumps, CIP cleaning centers, and conveyors.

Beldos Volumetric Fillers added to the product range.

Ceia metal detectors introduced to the sales range.

Nemesis dynamic scales added to the product range.

United Barcode Systems inkjet printers introduced to the sales range.

Comek products added to the sales range.

Dini Argeo s.r.l products added to the sales range.

Magenta Pack vacuum machines added to the sales range.

Vimco box formers and boxing solutions added to the sales range.
Celebrating 10 years since the company's founding.